Guild philosophies:

1: Success doesn't have to mean spending your entire life in the game.
2: EC is not meant to be a world/server-first guild (although we do love pouring salt in wounds when we do get something first !)
3: We're adults. We use adult language. Some adult language is offensive yet we still use it.
4: We believe a small, reliable team of adaptable players is preferable to a large group.

The basics

Raid schedule: 8-11 p.m. EST/EDT (server time) Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday. Tuesday is optional (non-mythic) and open to alts or mains still looking for gear. Wednesday and Thursday are progression and we expect 85% attendance.

We require a minimum of gold proving grounds in the role you want to perform. It's not exactly raiding, but it is a good minimum standard to weed out the bottom. (And more importantly you don't waste our time while you attempt it!)

Don't be disrespectful of other people's time. At 8:00 you're outside the raid zone with all consumables in hand. You're ready immediately after our five minute break each night. You're ready within 2-3 minutes of a wipe release.

For more details, see our recruitment section (3rd link on top).

Our current accomplishments



6: Mythic Gorefiend
13: Mythic Socrethar
14: Mythic Iskar
28: Mythic Fel Lord Zakuun



8: Heroic Imperator
8: Mythic Kargath Bladefist
28: Mythic Twin Ogrons


19: Heroic Blackrock Foundry Completed
19: Mythic Butcher


22: Mythic Tectus
22: Mythic Brackenspore
29: Mythic Oregorger


7: Mythic Beastlord Darmac
14: Mythic Ko'ragh
27: Mythic Gruul
28: Mythic Hans'gar and Franzoc


4: Mythic Flamebender Ka'graz


2: Heroic HFC completed
23: Mythic Iron Reaver


29: Mythic Kormrok


2: Mythic Hellfire High Council

3: Mythic Kilrogg Deadeye

Our past accomplishments



5: Void Reaver
First Kara run (cleared)
Guild grows to about 25 in its second week, clears Kara with 2 groups

22: Gruul the Dragonkiller killed


5: Void Reaver
10: Hydross the Unstable
17: The Lurker Below
21: Magtheridon
30: Morogrim Tidewalker (historical note, Vindi and Alpha killed Illidan that night)


14: Fathom Lord Karathress
15: Leotheras the Blind


25: High Astromancer Solarian


2: Al'ar (Lady Vashj attempts begin)
17: Lady Vashj



Getting people who were not on the December kill their Vashj's vials


8: Kael'thas attempts begin (Historical note, Bearion, one of the founders of EC, left the guild at this point)
11: Kael'thas Sunstrider (roughly 10 hours worth of attempts over 3 days)

Introduced a priority for tanks in our DKP system

18: Rage Winterchill, Anetheron
25: Kaz'Rogal (no shadow resist gear)
28: Azgalor, High Warlord Naj'entus, Supremus, Shade of Akama


2: Teron Gorefiend
16: Archimonde (29 attempts total)
31: Gurtogg Bloodboil


7: Reliquary of the Lost (Reliquary of Souls)
14: Mother Shahraz
21: Council of the Illidari


19: Illidan Stormrage (historical note, 2 alliance guilds on Ysera also killed him that week)
(historical note, ROTH kills Illidan at some point about a week later)

We also implemented a loot council for legendaries from this point on.


Farming T6


21: Kalecgos


Hyjal is dropped from the farming schedule at some point here.
Brutallus attempts begin


10: Brutallus pre-nerf kill

Raiding is then put on hold until WOTLK but continues unofficially.


3: Deadline for hitting level 80
4: First Naxxramas raid, progression is 25 man for WOTLK unless 10 man is specified
8: Naxxramas cleared (in dungeon blues and T6, thank you very much), Sartharion cleared
14: Malygos dies



18: Sartharion +3 (we also scored a Ysera Horde first (Ysera global 2nd) on the 10-man version.)


23: The siege of Ulduar
26: The antechamber of Ulduar
26: Hodir


3: Thorim
17: The keepers of Ulduar (so Mimiron)


28: Ulduar cleared



5: First TOC raid (let's not bother too much with TOC, that raid was so easy on normal that we destroyed it as quickly as the content unlocked)


6: Anub'arak, We finished our only Valanyr on that night too.
28: Call of the grand crusade (10 man) x2 groups
30: Onyxia


12: first 10 man tribute to insanity

The year of ICC

December 9 2009: First wing cleared. I don't care if wow progress failed to track our Saurfang kill properly, it was on Dec 9.

February 18 2010: Blood wing cleared

March 3 2010: Plague wing cleared

We happened to recruit a player who had been carried to a LK kill (this became apparent fairly quickly) and took advantage of the opportunity to get started on the easier fights before finishing normal mode. The dates on wow progress are all messed up, maybe because of this. Our Sindragosa kill is listed as occuring at a later date than our LK kill for example.

March 25 2010 : Heroic Gunship

April 1st 2010: Heroic Lord Marrowgar

April 5 2010: Normal mode Lich King

April 9 2010: Heroic Rotface

April 12 2010: Heroic Blood Princes, Heroic Valithria

April 20 2010: Heroic Blood Queen Lana'thel

April 30 2010: Heroic Lady Deathwhisper, Heroic Deathbringer Saurfang

May 3 2010: Heroic Festergut

June 6 2010: Heroic Sindragosa

June 10 2010: Heroic Professor Putricide

We then proceeded to sell a full ICC run for 800 000 gold and wiped on HLK until Cataclysm. We made 4 Shadowmournes in the process.